Lets Restore Narasha Dam

Support our campaign to restore Narasha Dam. Your donation helps remove pollutants, protect wildlife, and ensure clean, safe water for nearby communities. Together, we can…

RaisedKSh 11,160
GoalsKSh 100,000

Join us in our mission to clean and restore Narasha Dam, a vital water source for local communities and wildlife. Over time, pollution has threatened its health and the wellbeing of those who rely on it. Your donation directly supports the removal of contaminants, revitalization of water quality, and preservation of biodiversity in the area. Together, we can transform Narasha Dam into a cleaner, healthier resource that benefits both people and nature for generations to come.

Your Donation

Personal Info

To make an offline donation toward this cause via M-PESA, follow these steps:

  1. Go to M-PESA and select "Buy Goods and Services."
  2. Enter the Till Number: 9240789.
  3. Enter the donation amount and complete the transaction.

Your contribution is greatly appreciated and will help us make a lasting impact on forest conservation and restoration!

Donation Total: KSh 100.00